Leadership MBA

Leaders do not have time to sit down for hours every day and analyse how well they are leading and being led. This 60 minute interactive presentation allows them to identify, measure and put leadership into action.

  • Have you met colleagues who say it is due to the poor quality of leadership?
  • Are you or your team going through change?
  • Do you know a person who cannot find a way to inspire a team?
  • Do you know managers who simply do not understand how to lead people?
  • Do you know people who falsely think they are great leaders?
  • Do you know people who are always in their comfort zone?
  • Do you know people who are living in constant panic or fear?
  • Are you unsure about your leadership style?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, our Leadership presentation is designed for you.


It’s a 30 -60 minute interactive presentation on Leadership. Can be extended if needed

What’s involved?

Mark starts the session by confidentially asking the delegates to vote on 5 strategy questions that identify the gaps in their leadership skills. The questions make the session very interactive and they realize where they stand now.

Everyone gets our special 12 models graphic tools on an A5 card and will use this to analyse how they are leading. We measure how your teams are being led and identify what you can do to lead them more effectively. They will also get the answers on how to solve leadership problems as we go through the tools. We give away leadership tools which they can use in their day to day work, family and others.

“If you can measure it you can lead it”

We will use the voting technology throughout to ensure understanding and as a way of getting feedback on sensitive issues. The system works live allowing participants to provide immediate response to the questions. Answers will be displayed in real time.

Our Leadership MBA is a one-of-a-kind dynamic program that attracts a diverse population eager to develop as leaders.


© 2023 – Strategy and Teams All Rights Reserved | Graphics by Henk Wijnands